26 research outputs found

    Experiences from motorized GPR surveys in Iceland

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    Motorized multi-channel GPR investigations in Iceland in July 2022 showed great potential for large-scale archaeological geophysical surveys. Investigations on selected sites demonstrated effective fieldwork opportunities with excellent signal penetration through thick layers of ash and sand and very good contrast of turf houses towards the surrounding soil. Although Iceland has very challenging landscapes, many places are perfect suitable for motorized surveys making them very efficient for landscape archaeological investigations

    ArchĂ€ologische Prospektion der eisenzeitlichen Siedlung UppĂ„kra in SĂŒdschweden

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    Die Fundstelle UppĂ„kra in Schonen, SĂŒdschweden gilt als Schwedens grĂ¶ĂŸter und am lĂ€ngsten durchgĂ€ngig besiedelter eisenzeitlicher Zentralplatz und ist seit 1996 das Objekt intensiver archĂ€ologischer Untersuchungen. Im August 2010 wurden, im Zuge einer mehrjĂ€hrigen Kampagne des LBI-ArchPro, an dieser Fundstelle erstmalig großflĂ€chige magnetische- und Bodenradarmessungen durchgefĂŒhrt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden die Daten mittels eines GIS ausgewertet und archĂ€ologisch interpretiert. Die hier gezeigten Ergebnisse bestĂ€tigen das große Potential geophysikalischer Prospektionsmethoden in Schweden. Die Kombination von motorisierten Magnetikund Bodenradarsystemen ermöglicht eine prĂ€zise und großflĂ€chige Erkundung archĂ€ologischer Fundstellen. Durch die hohe Auflösung der Messdaten war es möglich ein differenziertes Bild der bisher bekannten eisenzeitlichen Siedlung UppĂ„kra zu erstellen. Neben einer ersten Abgrenzung der Siedlung im SĂŒden konnten unterschiedliche Bereiche innerhalb des Siedlungsareals unterschieden werden. Demnach zeichnet sich ab, dass sich in UppĂ„kra, rund um das bisher bekannte Zentrum mit dem Zeremonienhaus, zahlreiche große LanghĂ€user mit zugehörigen kleineren GebĂ€uden befanden. ArchĂ€ologische Strukturen sind weit ĂŒber das bisher vermutete Siedlungsareal hinaus zu erkennen. Eine mögliche VorgĂ€ngersiedlung oder ein abgesetztes Handwerksviertel wurde sĂŒdlich des bisher vermuteten prĂ€historischen Siedlungsareals entdeckt. Weiters konnten mögliche Grabbauten in unmittelbarer NĂ€he zum bekannten Zeremonienhaus entdeckt werden, welche aktuell durch die UniversitĂ€t Lund und dem schwedischen Denkmalamt untersucht werden. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit sind als erster Schritt einer Kartierung der archĂ€ologischen Landschaft rund um UppĂ„kra zu sehen. Durch weitere Kampagnen des LBI-ArchPro soll eine großflĂ€chige Erfassung der archĂ€ologischen Landschaft erfolgen, um das Bild der eisenzeitlichen Siedlung zu komplimentieren.UppĂ„kra in Scania, southwestern Sweden, is considered to have been one of the very first proto-urban settlements in Scandinavia. Due to its great archaeological potential the site and its surrounding landscape were selected for the test of large-scale high resolution archaeological prospection technology and methodology developed by the LBI-ArchPro. A team from the LBI-ArchPro measured ten hectare land with magnetic and four hectare with ground penetrating radar in August 2010. In the present study the data from this fieldwork campaign were archaeological analyzed by using GIS. The results illustrate the high potential of archaeological-geophysical prospection in Sweden. The combination of motorized magnetic and ground penetrating radar, allows a precise and extensive exploration of archaeological sites. As a result of the high resolution of the measured data, it was possible to create a detailed picture of the prehistoric settlement UppĂ„kra. A clear border of the settlement was identified in the south of the measured fields. A possible earlier settlement or a detached craft area was recognised in the south of the researched area of the Iron Age settlement. Numerous large longhouses associated with smaller buildings were found around the area with the previously known ceremonial house. In the west of the ceremonial house, some structures of possible tombs were discovered. One of these tombs is currently investigated by the University of Lund and the Central Swedish Heritage Board. This work is a first step of mapping the archaeological landscape of UppĂ„kra by using motorized geophysical prospection methods. The LBI-ArchPro will measure huge areas in further fieldwork campaigns to achieve a comprehensive image of the Iron Age settlement UppĂ„kra

    Sensing Archaeology in the North: The Use of Non-Destructive Geophysical and Remote Sensing Methods in Archaeology in Scandinavian and North Atlantic Territories

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    In August 2018, a group of experts working with terrestrial/marine geophysics and remote sensing methods to explore archaeological sites in Denmark, Finland, Norway, Scotland and Sweden gathered together for the first time at the Workshop ‘Sensing Archaeology in The North’. The goal was to exchange experiences, discuss challenges, and consider future directions for further developing these methods and strategies for their use in archaeology. After the event, this special journal issue was arranged to publish papers that are based on the workshop presentations, but also to incorporate work that is produced by other researchers in the field. This paper closes the special issue and further aims to provide current state-of-the-art for the methods represented by the workshop. Here, we introduce the aspects that inspired the organisation of the meeting, a summary of the 12 presentations and eight paper contributions, as well as a discussion about the main outcomes of the workshop roundtables, including the production of two searchable databases (online resources and equipment). We conclude with the position that the ‘North’, together with its unique cultural heritage and thriving research community, is at the forefront of good practice in the application and development of sensing methods in archaeological research and management. However, further method development is required, so we claim the support of funding bodies to back research efforts based on testing/experimental studies to: explore unknown survey environments and identify optimal survey conditions, as well as to monitor the preservation of archaeological remains, especially those that are at risk. It is demonstrated that remote sensing and geophysics not only have an important role in the safeguarding of archaeological sites from development and within prehistorical-historical research, but the methods can be especially useful in recording and monitoring the increased impact of climate change on sites in the North

    Commentaries on viewpoint : physiology and fast marathons

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    I forbindelse med utbyggingen av E39 SĂžrvest (strekningen Lyngdal vest til ÅlgĂ„rd i Flekkefjord kommune) hadde Nye Veier et mĂ„l om Ă„ forenkle, fornye og forbedre planlegging og utbygging av veiprosjekter. Som et ledd i dette arbeidet ble prosjektet «Arkeologi pĂ„ nye veier» etablert. Prosjektet er ogsĂ„ en del av eller et utskudd fra prosjektet «Arkeologi i vegen?» som er et samarbeidsprosjekt mellom Statens vegvesen og NIKU. Bruk av inngrepsfrie arkeologiske registreringsmetoder, som blant annet geofysiske metoder, er en viktig del av prosjektet. I prosjektet har NIKU benyttet ulike inngrepsfrie arkeologiske registreringsmetoder med mĂ„l om at disse kan bidra til Ă„ effektivisere de arkeologiske registreringene som utfĂžres av Agder fylkeskommune, Kulturhistorisk museum (KHM) og Norsk maritimt museum (NMM), Ăžke effektiviteten i planprosessene og gi mer forutsigbarhet i planarbeidet. NIKU gjennomfĂžrte motoriserte og manuelle georadarundersĂžkelser, LIDAR analyser og magnetiske undersĂžkelser. De undersĂžkte omrĂ„dene var dessverre sĂ„ godt som funntomme og de inngrepsfrie metodene kunne derfor ikke bidra med ny arkeologisk kunnskap. ProsjektgjennomfĂžringen og bruken av de forskjellige metodene var imidlertid teknisk vellykket. GeoradarundersĂžkelsene pĂ„ vĂ„tmark var en teknisk nyvinning utviklet spesielt for dette prosjektet, og disse undersĂžkelsene leverte gode resultater. Erfaringer fra dette prosjektet kan benyttes i fremtidige undersĂžkelser i myr og andre vĂ„tomrĂ„der

    GeoradarundersÞkelser mellom Hverven og GuÄker/NÊsten. Stange kommune, Hedmark fylke

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    NIKU gjennomfÞrte den 7. og 8. mai 2019 georadarundersÞkelser i omrÄder mellom Hverven gÄrd og GuÄker/NÊsten i Stange kommune, Hedmark fylke. UndersÞkelsene ble gjennomfÞrt pÄ oppdrag fra Hedmark fylkeskommune, som et ledd i registreringen av automatiske kulturminner i forbindelse med utbygging av Dovrebanen. Til sammen ble 7,3 hektar dyrket mark undersÞkt, fordelt over tre delomrÄder. GeoradarundersÞkelsene har pÄvist kokegroper og kokegropfelt, en rekke groplignende strukturer og mulige koksteinslag, i tillegg til moderne inngrep som dreneringsgrÞfter og avlÞpsrÞr